If you are prone to headaches, you should bring some medication with you. When it was crowded, the noise in the rooms was almost unbearable as the machines are pretty much right on top of each other. Right around 2:00 PM, the crowd started to pick up, and by the time we left at 3:00 PM, almost every machine in the 80's and 90's rooms were occupied. We arrived just after opening (11:00 AM) and we found the place to be wonderfully empty for the first three hours. When we visited on a Saturday in late July, we found that street parking was easy to come by within a few blocks of the museum. It would be easy to make a day out of a trip here. The museum offers in and out privileges and is located on a busy street in Alameda, so there are plenty of restaurants within close walking distance. If you're just looking for a quick bit of water, seek this out.
#Pinball museum in alameda free
I didn't find this out until just before we left, but there is a free water cooler near the larger of the two bathrooms. The museum offers vending machines and two restrooms. If there is no party during your visit, you will be able to play these as well. Finally, there is a party room that includes three additional pinball machines. If you just want a little bit of pinball and don't want to pay the admission fee, there are a few modern games at the entrance that are pay-to-play and can be accessed without actually entering the museum. Because the games are set to free play, you can sample each and every machine if you so choose. Each machine has a little placard above the machine giving information on the history of the game and providing little tidbits about gameplay or design. The rooms of the museum are divided into decades, and you move from the 50's and 60's near the main entrance to the 90's and 2000's at the rear of the building. A few machines were out of service during our trip, but the vast majority were in perfect working condition. Almost all of the machines are in excellent condition with great flipper action and level playfields. This place has been on my radar for a while, and when I finally got to visit, it lived up to my expectations quite nicely. I love pinball and search long and far for opportunities to play various machines.