As previous, but regarding other races, including INTELLIGENT. This determines whether kills of other sapients will lead to characters with trophies. Example: goblin with -goblin tooth ring. Historical figures can arrive at your fortress with leather, tooth, hair, bone or nail jewellery from their race, even INTELLIGENT. This determines whether kills of one's own race will lead to characters with trophies. Historical figures can arrive at your fortress with leather, horn, ivory, tooth, hair, bone or nail jewellery from slain non-sapients, and fortress citizens may put on crafts made from their kills as well. This determines whether animal kills will lead to characters with trophies. Caravans will sell grown wood objects (if the civ has WOOD_PREF) and even grown non-wood objects but that elves refuse to buy (if the civ uses misc processed wood products). This includes a race's position towards wood - a response between MISGUIDED and UNTHINKABLE (see below) causes the entity to refuse wooden objects (except for "grown" wooden objects) in trade, and also prohibits them from bringing caravan wagons. If REQUIRED, all lethal combat with an enemy who is neutral with the entity will put the creature in no quarter mode, and the creature will also demand that strangers identify themselves. Determines whether and how often entity members will be murdered. If REQUIRED, all lethal combat with an enemy in the same entity will put the creature in no quarter mode. If REQUIRED, all lethal combat with an enemy who is an enemy of the whole entity will put the creature in no quarter mode. Animal products sold by caravans will be marked as "grown", which means kosher for their ethics, for example grown leather. However this works as intended in adventure mode, worldgen, and offsite (caravans will deliver products made from sentients, etc.)Ī response between MISGUIDED and UNTHINKABLE (see below) causes the entity to refuse animal products in trade - namely, materials with. Note that, due to a bug, player forts will never butcher intelligent creatures in fortress mode (they are still willing to eat their meat though, should they have access to it). This includes whether or not a race is willing to butcher other sapients. This determines if the race will sometimes devour defeated enemy combatants. The result of a tantrumming citizen attacking another in fortress mode. More technically, the value of its LYING ethic is set to PERSONAL_MATTER. This means that the entity will treat lying as a personal matter. In the raw files for entities, ethics appear as follows:

4 Ethic value numbers in relation to each other.