However, if you would like to get re-screened for SNAP to see if you are eligible for more benefits, you can reach out to our FoodSource Hotline or send us a chat message today. You are still enrolled in SNAP and your eligibility has not changed. This change is not the result of any actions on your part, nor is it a penalty for anything you’ve done. If you are currently getting SNAP you have likely already received or will receive a text from the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) and a letter in the mail informing you about these changes. The state has a dedicated website, /ExtraCOVIDSNAP, to provide information on the state-funded extra benefits and help households plan for the end of the temporary federal and state benefits. The state-funded extra SNAP benefits will be distributed on the following dates: April 7, May 2, June 2. The payment amount will equal up to 40% of the difference between a household’s maximum benefit amount for their household size and their regular monthly benefit amount, with a minimum amount of $38 a month. There are two ways to check your EBT food stamp card balance: online or by calling the customer service number on the back of your card. For example, households eligible for SNAP in March will receive the extra SNAP in early April. Massachusetts has passed a state supplemental budget providing an additional SNAP benefit allotment at a total of up to 40% of your previous extra COVID SNAP benefit amount for 3 months. The state-funded extra SNAP benefits will be available in the beginning of April, May, and June 2023 for the prior month. However, recent action by Congress is ending these additional federal benefits. The extra COVID SNAP benefits, also known as SNAP Emergency Allotments, are the difference between your normal benefit amount and the maximum amount for your household size. Fresh EBT is the 1 rated EBT App to check your food stamp balance, track your EBT spending, manage WIC benefits, and find ways to save money throughout the. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, all SNAP households have been receiving temporary extra COVID SNAP benefits.